Not a picture of me – this was relatively clean for the Wolf Run…
Taken a moment out from the meditation and practice retreat I’m on right now to catch up a bit with NaPoWriMo – although I might be running a day or two behind, I will do them all! So, in brief – I wrote something akin to a Valedication, although using the prompt very ‘robustly’.
On Sunday, I took part in the WOLF Run – a 10K run near Leamington Spa, with Wilderness Obstacles Lakes and Fields (hence WOLF) – this poem was a record of its epic muddiness, forming a ‘Goodbye to Cleanliness’:
The Paint-Chart of Possibilities When Mixing Earth and Water
or, Goodbye to all That Clean
A gleaming tension grows;
the pristine crowd in day-gloes or white,
each skin-tight bright lycra pose
stretches out the wait.
There is to be some kind of run –
but the main attraction, the real fun
comes as the troop form a great canvas
to really demonstrate en masse
the mixing of Earth and Water.
So let’s see what’s on offer:
To begin the range – April Field-Path:
a lovely undercoat, its soft bourbon-
biscuit hue making it ideal
for embracing the lower-leg in
a fine dust and the
odd little clod.
Then on to Brun-de-Lac.
A truly rich, sedimentary tone this,
for coating the upper shins and thigh.
The Chocolate Porridge-Oat
is wonderfully thick: a chest-high slick
of it will really start to add some depth
to the body’s scheme.
And if you’re feeling bold, why not try
ur Fifty Shades of Dry – until you can
behold the only other colour in sight
beneath the panting, coated face:
the opalescent eyes’ bright-white.