Performing 'Cull (After Hitchcock)' at BioBlitz (c) BioBlitz

Performing 'To His Coy Hen' at BioBlitz (c) BioBlitz
I was lucky enough to be part of the BioBlitz event at Tyntesfield yesterday (dubbed the ‘BioBlitz Bard’) – the event logged record 779 species on the site!
As part of the afternoon, I performed some Vermin poetry for the assembled biodiversity-hunters. There are some pictures and loads more information about the event here:
I joined in on one of the bug walks – in my Vermin ‘biohazard’ Tyvek suit – with the excellent Pete the Bug Man. He loves bugs and is amazing at extolling their fascinating lives to the public. His website is here – if you want someone to come and inspire kids about biodiversity, bugs and ecology – book him!:

Performing 'Let Us Bite' gluttonous bedbug at BioBlitz (c) BioBlitz
Being a glutton for Verminous punishment, later I performed the pieces in their entirety at the PRSC courtyard as part of Stokes Croft Street Fest 2011 . The MC/Compere was the most amazing and engrossing juggler and performer Ben – whose full details I shall post later as he is worthy of a grand mention! He kept a big crowd very entertained – in lieu of some other performers turning up – for a very long time, with admirable wit and good-hunour. Bravo Ben!
Despite the efforts of a vocal (and doubtless narcotically-amplified in the extreme) heckler minority (!) Vermin went down well with the folks who listened, as well as those who drifted by the courtyard entrance. Hopefully the newly-completed costume acts as something of an invitation to those who might not otherwise stop and listen…And if I can perform them at Street Fest, I’m looking forward to Green Man / Einstein’s Garden – which will no doubt be equally energetic, if a little less rowdy…